Thursday, April 28

breakfasts lately...

Yes. That is a 5lb bag of blueberries.

Blueberry smoothies are my new thing. I have been buying lots of them at my grocery store, but at $4 each the money starts adding up quickly. So I decided to try making them at home, and I think I've figured out how to make them even more delicious (and a little healthier too). Here's the approximate recipe:

1 cup of FROZEN blueberries 
1/2 cup of milk
1/4 cup of plain yogurt
1-2 tsp of honey

I think that the frozen berries make the smoothie taste more like a milkshake treat, AND blueberries (particularly wild bb) are SO good for you. Last tip, use a small blender like the magic bullet, and WASH IT RIGHT AWAY!