Tuesday, September 13


A dear friend of mine took this picture of me when I was in my first year at UCI. I have only a few photos of myself as a more mature dancer, and this is by far my favorite. Unfortunately, I only have an 8x10 print of it, and I'm impatient... so here is a picture of a picture. very savvy of me.

I went to a ballet class last week, and again tonight, at the Downtown Dance Collective in Missoula... and I feel amazing.

It has been 6 years since I stopped dancing, with a few brief and unsuccessful attempts to get back into it.

I really want to share this because it feels different this time. I don't know for sure what it is, if it's that my teacher this time around is extremely positive and encouraging, or that I'm finally letting go of some of the crap that used to bring me down. 

For sure though, I am enjoying moving this way again... and I feel comfortable and delighted to say that even after 6 years, I am a very good dancer. and I am proud of that.

Saturday, September 10

falling pears

Our neighbors have a pear tree and the squirrels LOVE chomping down on all the little pears. They chew and spin and chew some more, then drop discarded pears onto our lawn. It's very sweet, the little noises their munching makes, and then the thud. Fall is coming!

Friday, September 9

First Day of School!

Late to post this, but, here is the first day of the year pic! I didn't get to take the photo because I was working a graveyard shift, like I am now. waaaaah! but yay for built in cameras.

Third year means half way done (fingers crossed) with class work at least. And it means defending his masters, meeting with more clients, and working on his doctoral thesis!! woot woot! Go, Zed go! We're all very proud of your hard work!

Tuesday, September 6

picnic, planning and... puppy

we both had the day off yesterday and decided to take a picnic by the river. it was so nice out. we played rummy and tried to tempt a squirrel to join us, no luck. then we spent time with friends in the evening playing euchre, and possibly making a date to learn bridge. clearly, zed and i are taking our plans for a comfortable future life in the retirement home very seriously.

i've heard whispers about another heavy snow year. So, in an effort to combat my tendency to burrow my head in blankets all winter long, i've made an agreement with my dad that i will try some winter (ick) sports (ick x 2). Here's my list:

1. Build an igloo (maybe more of a backyard snow fort)

ok that's it. maybe i'll also take a couple dance classes, audition for a couple musicals(oct 9th and nov 20), take an ASL class?

we have begun discussing what our halloween costumes should be this year. no winning ideas just yet, but i am confident we'll get our act together in time.

Monday, September 5

Garden Overgrown

our garden is in a full state. some of it is gone, long gone, to seed... some of it is ripe... and some of it is still developing. most appreciated veggies: green onions, carrots, beets, and cucumbers. least appreciated and most pissed off plant (and letting us know about it by trying to take over the whole garden): arugula.

oh arugula. i would have cut you down and pulled out your bitter disgusting leaves long ago, but you invited friends... and i like them.

I am so so so excited about pumpkins and the dozens of heirloom tomatoes we'll have. soon! i can't wait to show you all what a horrendous job we did at staking our tomatoes.