Friday, April 29

Rattlesnake adventure

These pictures are from a couple months ago, but it has ben snowing again and I'm just so sick of it! I NEED summer to get here fast.

Working evenings and weekends puts me on an opposite schedule as Zed, so weekdays have the tendency to be too quiet and a little empty. Being alone a lot, combined with a dark, very cold, and long winter, is a recipe for a depressed little bird. So when we had our first melt in March, I forced myself outside and went for a photo walk in the Rattlesnake. Watching the ground and creek defrost was fascinating, but a little eerie too. It was still so silent and sleepy.

This girl must have been lonely (or hungry) because she came right over to the fence to say hello as I walked by. I wanted to pet her, but she looked really dirty so i didn't.

Thursday, April 28

breakfasts lately...

Yes. That is a 5lb bag of blueberries.

Blueberry smoothies are my new thing. I have been buying lots of them at my grocery store, but at $4 each the money starts adding up quickly. So I decided to try making them at home, and I think I've figured out how to make them even more delicious (and a little healthier too). Here's the approximate recipe:

1 cup of FROZEN blueberries 
1/2 cup of milk
1/4 cup of plain yogurt
1-2 tsp of honey

I think that the frozen berries make the smoothie taste more like a milkshake treat, AND blueberries (particularly wild bb) are SO good for you. Last tip, use a small blender like the magic bullet, and WASH IT RIGHT AWAY!

Wednesday, April 27


Oh how fast everything can change... It's not snow or hail. this is graupel, a softer version of hail and it came down fast... in about 30 seconds! It is squishy and soft like styrofoam, but it was coming down so fast that I was afraid it was going to displace or bruise our seedlings/sprouts. So when Zed got back from school he bent a few bamboo sticks over the veggies to drape row covers over. I think it works, and it looks like we know what we're doing.

Tuesday, April 26


Peas are planted! Along with radishes, beets, carrots, green onions, swiss chard, red leaf lettuce, green lettuce, mesclun, spinach, and garlic. In the coming weeks we will plant our beans, squash, and tomatoes. I am watering our wild flower seeds, which we hope will attract bees and butterflies to our garden.

We are watering every day, sometimes twice a day. I feel so impatient. It is becoming less and less exciting to water dirt, I want vegetables! I don't think I even like radishes, but I can't wait to have them, and I want lots of them!

Monday, April 25


Sunday was GORGEOUS! 65 degrees and sunny all day! For Easter, we were invited to our friend's house for brunch and as we approached the door we found a chalk written love note from Sarah to her wife, Catherine. It was a beautiful day.

Sunday, April 24

breaking ground

We need lots of ground space for all the vegetables we want, so we decided to tear up the lawn! I was nervous at first because we found a sprinkler head, and then we found an underground cable, but my savvy husband rerouted them and used the motor tiller to create a lovely plot.

Saturday, April 23

First Post!

This is the beginning of our garden. Soon it will have peas, root vegetables, and lettuces.